Advice and Planning

Financial direction you need from qualified specialists you trust.

Financial Planning is not just about investing (investing is only a vehicle used to achieve financial goals). Identifying what your goals and dreams are, and then determining how best to go about accomplishing them is what financial planning is really about.

Whatever your goals and dreams are, ensuring that you have a plan to achieve them is important. Equally important is that you be aware of all of your options. If you aren’t in the business or don’t have the time or interest to devote to your finances, there could be an alternative that you’ve overlooked.

With a team of qualified investment specialists and financial planners, we have the knowledge and expertise to help ensure your short and long term goals are realized. With the right investment products, advice and guidance we can help you build a financial blueprint that’s based on a strong foundation.

Contact a Wealth Management Advisor today!

Retirement Expand/Collapse

Whether your retirement is decades away, or you’re already enjoying it, equal planning needs to be taken on both the contribution phase as well as the timing of any redemptions being done. Without it? Significant tax savings opportunities can be lost. Looking at the big picture and incorporating any work pension plans earned over the years, along with government benefits such as the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security, will provide you with a sound understanding of what your retirement future will look like.

Estates Expand/Collapse

Ensuring that your final wishes are provided for in the most tax efficient manner possible is something that extends far past simply drafting up a last will and testament. It also involves a host of steps to make the settlement of your estate a whole lot easier on your executor. Sometimes these steps need to be taken years in advance, so preparation is the key to proper estate planning.

Learn more
 about planning for Estates and Trusts.

Education Savings Expand/Collapse

Assisting children with their post secondary learning ventures is an important goal for many. However, with finances limited it’s often difficult to come up with as much money to fund such a goal as we may like. That’s why looking into a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) can make sense, with more than $7 200* in government assistance possible. Look into how you may be able to take advantage of this today.

*Terms and conditions of government programs are subject to change at any time by the federal or applicable provincial government.

Tax Savings Expand/Collapse

With every dollar needing to count more and more, reducing many people’s largest expense – taxes – would be a great first step to accomplishing a whole host of goals. Taking advantage of the tax savings opportunities provided by such plans as RRSP’s and TFSA’s, or the grant earning potential of RESP’s and RDSP’s, amounts to the same things, more money in your pocket at the end of the day. Of course there’s more potential for reducing your tax position too, as everyone’s situation is truly unique. But without taking the time to look into it with a professional, who knows what may go uncovered?

Goal Setting Expand/Collapse

This year, next year, or 20 years into the future - who doesn’t have plans? Taking care to choose the right product to match each of these goals is where a professional can truly help. Those goals may be easier to achieve, or closer to happening than you may have thought possible. Come see us today!